
trailer tracking

  Trailer Tracking

GPS Trailer tracking from TrailerTrailers offers the latest technology, advanced battery management and superbly designed end to end solution to deliver offer robust and versatile trailer tracking solutions to the world.

Click on the following links to learn more about trailer and cargo monitoring features.

  Cost effective trailer tracking

  Protection against theft

  Easy installation

  Battery powered GPS tracker

  Trailer maintenance scheduling

  Sophisticated trailer reporting

  Advanced security solutions

  Temperature monitoring

  Up to 7 yrs battery life

  Wireless sensors

  Tamper and Intrusion detection

  Global trailer... beyond GSM




  GPS trailer tracking Easy Installation

No wiring,quick and easy install the TrailerTrailers trailer tracking device is designed to be fitted easily and quickly. Often the device can be fitted in seconds to a either the outside or inside of a trailer. No wiring, no hassle and reliable.

A tough IP67 rated enclusure keeps the unit dry and secure. Fitting can be carried out using adhesive, magnets or good old fashioned nuts and bolts.

Above all the fact that the unit requires no wiring ensures a quick and easy fit and saves you paying for an expensive callout for an engineer to fit a tracking device.

NOTE: It really can take less than 1 minute to install our 7 year battery powered, GPS/GSM tracking device.




For further information download a brochure and technical specifications or contact a TrailerTrailers tracking consultant today.

  Download brochures and specifications

  See "Where on earth" we track

  Contact a TrailerTrailers consultant

  Become a reseller or partner